Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 28, 2011

taming of the tresses.

i had horrible heart burn while i was pregnant with millie. unfortunately the old wives tale connection between heartburn and hair didn't prove true in my case... she was basically born bald. thankfully that's no longer the case, but this hair growth transition hasn't exactly been smooth.
as you can see, on most mornings we've got a little bit of a mess on our hands.
  (she definitely gets this fuzzy bedhead from her mom.)

there are two tricky parts about millie's current hair situation:
1. it's a mullet
2.  i am at a total loss when it comes to styling. i don't think that my hair has ever been longer than my shoulders - braids, twists and up-do's have never been a part of my life.

the cool fall weather offered a temporary solution to the dilemma and i was able to handle her mullet exactly like i deal with my own head of hair... i just put a hat on her head whenever we left the house.

we had our first pigtails attempt a couple of weeks ago. it was far from perfect (how, exactly, do you get a straight part?), but i'm deeming it a success. she loved to look at herself in the mirror and kept them in all day... she was pretty proud of her piggie tails.  

it's amazing how much different her face looks with her hair pulled back (i sound just like my mom talking about me!) our baby girl is definitely growing up into a little lady.  no promises that we'll ever progress to braids.  

Thursday, October 20, 2011


 we drink a lot of coffee around here. millie likes to point out our cups... she recognizes the starbucks sign and says "coffee, mommy" when we walk by in the stroller. i recently ordered a milk frother (best investment ever!) and thought i'd give her a cup of foamy milk... coffee for millie. 
auntie coco helped teach her "cheers"... pretty cute. she wants to do it ALL the time now - with her sippy cup, with her fork and spoon, with her snacktrap, with her toothbrush - anything she can get her hands on is fair game!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

the great outdoors

green space comes at a premium here in the city - we're so incredibly lucky to have our own little fenced-in backyard. the last few days have been beautiful in chicago and we've spent lots of time running around outside. millie goes up and down the stairs by herself all day long... such a big girl!


my little girl is not a sharing superstar. in the last couple of weeks she's started to tell kids at the park and in her little classes that they need to share - while she grabs the toys out of their hands or cuts in front of them in line. in millie's mind, everyone needs to share with her but she doesn't need to return the favor. i am probably the main target of her bossy directives, but the dogs are definitely in a close second. she loves to snatch their toys away from them and shriek that they need to share... they aren't quite sure what to make of her sometimes. this was most definitely a rare moment - millie let bako snuggle with her precious elmo while he took a nap. maybe there's hope for us after all?