Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 16, 2010

in the beginning...month three

there is nothing fun about the month of march in chicago. cold, slushy & grey. it was the perfect time to get out of the city and head for sunshine. i desperately needed to have my windows open and to take a walk... millie and i had been cooped up long enough. we were able to pack up the entire family (jake & bako too!) and head for arizona. cubs spring training was the perfect excuse to get out of dodge...

clearly, millie loved the sunshine too. our own little audrey hepburn
 total class.

st patricks day isn't quite the same in arizona... all of the chicago crazies have a special way of turning it into one of the best days of the entire year. thankfully auntie crystal was there to bring green beer (not any for millie quite yet) and a little bit of irish festivity to the desert. i tried to get her into the spirit... she didn't seem to enjoy the day as much as we did!

amelia hearts mobiles and ceiling fans. she looks up in sheer delight, every time, like it's the first time she's ever seen one. we ended up buying a portable mobile to attach to her car seat (she must be the ONE baby in the world who doesn't love the car. lots of screaming!). she'll put herself in a little trance watching the bugs go around...and around...and around...and around....

a few days ago jason was talking about how much fun he has spending time with millie. he loves to babysit. i had to explain that since millie is actually his child, he's not babysitting... it's called parenting. :) i think she definitely knows that he's not just a babysitter - she absolutely lights up for him.

despite my best efforts, millie didn't ever really like her pacifier. once in awhile she'd take it, but usually she would spit it out pretty forcefully unless we held it in her mouth for her (which got old really quickly). then last week, out of nowhere, she stuffed her thumb into her mouth and started going to town. she's already a pro! whenever she's tired or fussy she'll find her thumb and go right to sleep. it's the best. thing. ever. (even better than soothie the seahorse...)

i am fully aware that my little girl looks just like her dad. i'm hoping to get at least one trait as she starts to grow up... a blonde hair or two? blue eyes?

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