Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

climb every mountain... and household appliance.

it's really been amazing to watch amelia figuring out how to take her first steps. she's not there quite yet, but she is definitely growing more and more confident every day. anything within her reach is fair game to help her stand up...  i now understand why people bolt all of their furniture to the walls!

i think that she likes windows so much because her hands kind of stick to the glass and it's easy to get a good grip...
... or maybe it's because of the entertainment factor.

she likes standing by her highchair almost as much as she likes sitting in it to eat... food is still top on her list!

the fridge is a pretty popular choice because not only are the shelves at just the right height, they're also full of pretty jars and brightly labeled bottles to pick up and drop on the floor!

but the very best thing in the house, BY FAR, to pull up on and climb around is the dishwasher... full of water, dirty dishes and sharp knives!

meanwhile, her box of bright and colorful age-appropriate toys sits in the corner... maybe she'll be interested in them once she can walk over there herself?  fingers crossed

1 comment:

  1. Love the last picture, this must be her "uh oh, busted" face!
