Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 16, 2010

in the beginning... month two.

jason started playing 'stick out your tongue' with millie right after she came home from the hospital. she doesn't always play back, but every once in awhile she'll watch your mouth and stick her tongue out back at you. olivia is a big fan... she'll keep playing until she gets results!

i wasn't exactly quiet about how tough those first weeks were with a new baby. people kept telling us to hang in there, that we would see huge changes in millie once she hit six weeks. sure enough... six weeks exactly. it was almost like she woke up and realized that there was a big world happening around her. she isn't mesmerized by mirrors like some babies are, but once in awhile she'll 'stumble' upon her own face - she's clearly happy with what she sees!

soothie the pink seahorse is our friend. a girlfriend introduced me to him... millie is a big fan. his tummy lights up and he plays soft music that gradually fades out. usually (fingers crossed!) she's asleep by the time his music stops. if i could extend his music cycle by about three minutes he would be the perfect pink seahorse. it's quite possible that i'm a bigger fan of soothie than millie is.

millie was not exactly happy about her first trip to the nursing home, but she was really happy to meet bubbie! lots of kisses... and bubbie telling her that she was going to spank her little ass if she didn't stop crying. it's rare to have multiple generations together in the same room - we are so glad that we'll be able to tell millie about the first time that she met one of her great-grandparents.

according to the medical charts, amelia is an over-achiever already. she's a big girl - measuring in the top 75% for her weight and 90% for her height. her doctor said that you can't really determine much of anything about her genetic makeup until she's two... it's too soon to tell if our little girl is going to tower over her parents. if she keeps growing at rate she's going now, with her little feet trying to bust out of her sleepers, we might have a giant on our hands!

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