Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 25, 2010

rollin', rollin', rollin'...

millie doesn't exactly enjoy being on her tummy... usually after about ten seconds she starts to voice her discontent. at her last check-up the doctor stressed how important it is that she has regular 'tummy time' every day for a minimum of twenty minutes. i was not about to confess that on most days we rarely make it past a minute or two. as she examined her, she praised millie's strong back and neck muscles... evidence that all of that tummy time was paying off. be sure to keep it up! i just smiled & nodded...

she actually was on her belly a couple of days ago. she was checking herself out in the mirror and making faces at herself'. it was prettty cute so i grabbed the camera. i wish that it would have been the video camera instead of the digital because she rolled herself over for the first time! i don't know which one of us was more surprised...

it may have just been a fluke because she hasn't done it again since. i've tried to entice her, but to no avail. toys don't seem to work and jake ate that mirror yesterday...


  1. Look how big she is getting! Love her poka-dot slippers. Miss you, sweet miss millie.

  2. Socks?!? OMG!! What are we going to do with this sweetness?!
