there is great debate in our household over whether or not babies are born with extraordinary abilities already in place... or if excellence can be nurtured in a person. jason and i have talked about it a lot, without ever really coming to much of a conclusion. our current consensus is that it's a combination of the two. natural ability + loads of practice (malcolm gladwell suggests 10,000 hours is the magic number) = greatness.
so we've determined that genetics don't tell the entire story, but they're worth at least a little bit of our attention (even if for nothing more than the pure enjoyment of speculation!) for instance, i'm certain that she has the appetite of her dad. she inhales her bottle and starts to cry... every. single. time.
i'm banking on millie inheriting some of her grandma carol's proclivity for math. we were able to celebrate her earning her doctorate last weekend... in math education. especially for a girl who doesn't exactly excel where numbers are concerned - i am super impressed and proud of her. we missed hearing all of the lovely things that her colleagues said about her at the ceremony, but i have no doubt that they were singing her praises.
(she really liked the tassle on grandma's cap)
we celebrated our brand new doctor grandma with yummy chocolate cake and ALL of her grandkids... it was the first time that all of the caref kids were together. i think it's a pretty good looking bunch of kids - must be in their genes. :)
What an accomplishment! Congratulations, Carol. You look great amonst your Grands.