jason and i took jake and bako to doggy school a few years ago... we were kindly asked to leave after about twenty minutes into the first class. we love them, but their lacking a little bit in their social skills. we were a little bit worried (or at least i was!) about bringing home a baby with these two in the house. if they didn't like her... we were going to have our hands full.
well, it turns out that i was worrying for nothing. they love her... and she loves them right back. millie doesn't even flinch when jake slobbers all over her face. bako runs over to me and whines whenever he hears her making noises in the baby monitor - making sure that i know she's awake. they nap next to her crib and lick up her drool... best friends in the making.
That is amazing! I wondered the same about our kitten Smeagol. He was wild and crazy! He lets Alyssa come up to him, pet him, kiss him and never tries to bite. Animals just see how much you love your babies, and they love them from seeing that I believe!