Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

puppy love.

i've previously written about how much bako and jake love millie (and vice-versa), but bako took it to an entirely new level a few days ago. i staged an intervention and it won't happen again. i'm putting some necessary distance between the two of them. see for yourself...

within a couple hours of this little make out session, i caught bako literally trying to eat a pair of her poopy pajamas AND an ant trap! the experts claim that a dogs mouth is cleaner than a human mouth, but even so, i'm going to make a concerted effort to keep his little tongue away from her face...

1 comment:

  1. Bako likes her milk face, and sweet baby breath. Not good...No, Bako! No! Millie doesn't seem the worst for wear...what a sweetie.
