Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 13, 2010

the difference a day makes.

jason was convinced that millie was going to be one of those babies who never learned to crawl. she used to SCREAM whenever we tried to put her down on her tummy. she was perfectly content to spend all of her waking moments on her back, just taking in what was going on around her.

well, to borrow from my good friend bob dylan... the times are a-changin'.
we've got an active little girl on our hands!

one of the very rare occasions when i had to wake her up from her afternoon nap... imagine my surprise to find her sprawled out (and passed out) on her little belly. she's clearly not too upset about tummy time anymore.

she can sit up on her own, kind-of. she'll kind of make a tripod with her hands between her legs and appears to be grasping the concept.

we only practice on soft surfaces though, because inevitably after a few seconds...

she's down for the count.

everything, and i really do mean everything, within her reach goes into her mouth. her little arms are constantly flailing around and grabbing for anything she can get her hands on...

 why shake it when you can eat it?

i know that it's only a matter of time before she'll be crawling off of the couch and trying to eat the dog's food out of their bowls...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ana! She is getting big and doing new things! I want to see you guys again! I just love her!
