i would tell you about all of the fun things that i've been doing!
more than anything else in the world, i love to eat. my tummy is a seemingly never-ending pit.
cucumber. yum.
i was eyeing the bagels and cream cheese... daddy gave me lox instead.
i kind of liked it. mommy says it's proof that i'm a caref.
my mom got this really fun new toy. there's a purple hippopotamus inside of it that giggles and talks to me in a funny voice. i love him.
my mom says that i'm going to have to learn to share the ipad with her and my dad...
auntie cole took us to the green city market last weekend. what a big tease... fruits and vegetables everywhere that i couldn't eat! they tried to distract me with these enormous sunflowers...
they were even bigger than the big pink flower on my head...
cousin lori gave me this giraffe before i was born... it's taken me seven months to figure out how cool it is. when my mom winds it up, he plays music and moves his head back and forth. maybe he's the one who taught me how to shake my head 'no, no, no' i really like to chew on his ears.
my mom ordered me a hat for the beach that just came in the mail this week. too bad that it's been hot out... we haven't wanted to leave the house since it arrived!
i can tell that daddy thinks i look silly... good thing he isn't the one who dresses me!
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