i brought home a bunch of melon from work on tuesday night. i thought it would be a nice little afternoon snack for millie. i've had enough experience with her messy eating while i'm the one holding the spoon, so i anticipated that this was going to be a messy treat. i stripped her down and let her go at it...
her latest skill: pounding the tray of her highchair when she wants more food.
she squeals and bangs away...
(i couldn't find the video camera to capture her in all her glory)
jake loves that millie is starting to use her highchair... perfect height for him to get a taste of whatever she's trying to put in her mouth. clearly she doesn't understand that he's trying to get to her food, otherwise she'd be pounding him instead of her highchair tray!
yup. it was a big mess...
...but oh so worth it!
Grandma Thora would delight to see Millie lovin' her food! I do hope she gets some teeth soon so she can really chow down. Love her little self.